honey bee jewelry
look how cute. really, how cute are these? cute as a bees knees cute. i hope that term doesn't offend. but they're cute. right? here look again, up close:
diminutive, charming and beautifully sculped. from honeybee on etsy. artist amy moore creates these little beauties from p.m.c. don't know what that is? Precious Metal Clay. it's so cool. clay, that when put into high heat, burns away to reveal a piece of precious metal. so you can mold it to your liking or imprint it with a texture. i tried it once
and never came away anything like this. but these got me really inspired! or maybe i'll just buy one from her. honeybee on etsy
you can just SEE those skinny little legs
in the stripey stockings...
and I adore the jewellery - is it yours?
very organic-oceanic - i "heart" it!