one of my favorite lurker haunts is
paris hotel boutique in san francisco. a treasure trove of some of the coolest, vintage and antique finds from around le monde.
huge ( 40" x 30") oil portrait of some woman from santa barbara. insta-ancestor.

gilty pleasure-60s faux bamboo gilt mirror. 32" x 25".
get your hollywood regency on:

i love the color of these 'mid century' (their description not mine) lamps.

this guy brings back total memories of my parents' friends the schmeltzers. they had one of these in their living room and i adored it. what is it? a footstool. or if you're five, a really cool toy. believe it or not
this was what abercrombie and fitch started out selling (among various other 'gentlemen's lounge' types of gadgets)

they also have great
prop books. which i know, i know, some of you think are ridiculous if you're not going to read them. it's my personal experience, that when i have guests over somebody is always thumbing through these vintage tomes.

oh, and this one is already sold. i just think its a great looking book.
I have a beautiful old car blanket from the 20's (I think) from the old Abercrombie and Fitch. It is a soft camel colored melton wool on one side and fur on the other (unPC, I know, but it's a family heirloom). My great-grandmother's monogram is on the wool: IFJ for Ida Farish Jenkins. It is so beautiful and when I go into A&F now with the shirtless frat boys I just cannot believe it is the same place!
I recently purchased an antique Italian lamp from them that is beautiful.
(I am really bored tonight!)
now, we'll be expecting you to give us a nice book report, when you're finished reading.
amy: thanks, i'm going to go check that place out!