
sleeveface. {because it's funny}


Oh this are hilarious! what a fantastic idea!
Project Ecoart said…
That's hysterical...especially Diana Ross with dewey white hands.
My fave is barry manilow 'cause he looks 3D :)
Anonymous said…
These pics sort of freak me out!!!! Yikes! However, I do own a huge collection of albums still in covers like these.
Anonymous said…
Ahhhh... so cool.
72 and sunny said…
i agree, they're totally creepy! i wish i still had my leif garrett album lying around.
Anonymous said…
Mick Talbott from the Style Council? Whaa?
Teal Chic said…
This is hilarious! Kind of scary at the same time!!! Especially Barry Manilow!!!!!!!!
Ann Marie said…
this is funny! great idea for a party picture opportunity.
72 and sunny said…
GREAT idea for a party pic situation. i love the idea!

mick from style council. you named it. takes ya back a bit, eh?
72 and sunny said…
for anyone who loves jutta neuman sandals {as i do} isn't the diana ross on the right wearing a pair?
/// said…
I loooove sleeveface!!! Thanks for the reminder! :)
Anonymous said…
bwahahahah. That Barry Manilow one is scary because he's got a huge head, but it meshes perfectly.
Shannon Burns said…
That is hilarious! Manilow is the best.

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