summer love
{this is how we roll...yo}
seriously. this: really is how we roll, living at the beach. most evenings i do a quick pre dinner run to the market with my big red beach cruiser. and then there's always the, half lidded, leisurely ride down the beach to the next town for dinner. riding my bike in the summer always reminds me of being a kid. so simple and happy.
{tan feet}
i know, feet really skig people out. and actually, i used to feel the same way. but now i realize that they're the old sages of our bodies~they're your understanding, after all. to use a {really stupid} phrase from a bad t-shirt, they've been there and done that. mine are as beat up and well ridden as anyone's {proudly} but they always look better with a summer patina. {canvas cabins}
what's not to love about this concept? heated, blankets, well appointed digs. uh... ya. stir me up some grub and pour me a cold glass of trefethen. {front porch lemonade}
i know this sounds so martha {our lord and savior} but i'm not kidding you, have you made real lemonade? oh. man, it's so the best. here's the recipe:
the juice of 1 lb of lemons
2 cups simple syrup {1 cup sugar, 1 cup water-dissolved on the stove top}
add some ice and a sprig of mint
{summer kicks}
tretorns. every summer, it was our requisite uniform: tank suit {for swim team} and tretorns {for tennis}
i feel a fashion trend a comin' on.
{eau d'ete}
for me? if there were such a thing? it would be a combo of: johnson's baby shampoo, coppertone lotion and chlorine....oh and maybe a bit of smoke from the bar-b-chew
{white sheets}
i have a very good friend who once spent an entire pay check on fabulous white sheets, of a very high thread count. so excited was she to feel exotic and chic, that before retiring she slathered herself in self tanner {because really, you want a fantastic tan against white sheets} the rest is history. or her~story.

And the only issue with self tanner + nice white sheets is that they become self tanner colored sheets. Gross.
So I stopped by WS, bought a juicer, went home and indulged myself. AHHHH!
Nothing like it.
Also, are those your real bikes? I'm pretty sure the turquoise one on top is the same one I have! Sadly, she has been living in our garage since we moved away from the beach last summer, and I wish I rode her more here!
And Tretorns, bring it back.
I have always loved them.
Great post!
marinajayhawk, wertz is having a sale, gurl! go get that stool! oh, and tell them you're a designer and can he give you the designer discount
marinajayhawk, wertz is having a sale, gurl! go get that stool! oh, and tell them you're a designer and can he give you the designer discount