word smith
i haven't held an "office job" in so many years, i have no idea what one does in an office~except make money for somebody else {which will be a really awesome read, someday, if a perspective employer wants to google me}
but if i were a cubical serf, this is what i'd be doing today....
looking at cool websites like this one by artist Roberto de Vicq de Cumprich. 'bembo's zoo' is a collection of abecedaries {i swear, that's a word} used to create animals, employing only 'bembo' letterforms and punctuations. turn down your volume~it's kind of loud.
next one:
wordle* will have you stuck on it for hours. using a url or a series of words to create pretty little word clouds.**there's a reason that i don't have an office job. i'm the girl who's always lurking at your cubical, diet coke in hand, checking her chipping nail polish, showing off her new purchase, rolling her eyes about something, discussing deanna's dilemma and how bad-boy-hot graham was, basically keeping you from getting your work done.....
oh, and i AM a cubicle serf who was reprimanded just a few days ago for doing too much chit-chatting!