trisha's baby shower

Over the weekend, along with two friends, I hosted a baby shower in my front yard. It was so much fun, planning and art directing the whole event. And the sun even decided to break through the 'June gloom' of coastal fog we've been having.
I've never owned a lick of blue willow anything. I thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to load up, as I wanted the table to have a classic, elegant-casual garden party feel. After a few evenings on ebay I was able to find a dealer who would sell a lot to me for $4.00 a plate. Pottery barn and Cost Plus had great chargers for the cause- caned and woven
I used burlap as the table cloth {I love the look of burlap and it's so inexpensive at $3.00 a yard} we bought hydrangeas, white roses and some green stuff {no idea the name}
and created little tight arrangements in Liberty bowls that I had laying around. Super easy.
A fantastic meal was whipped up by our resident chefs {husbands} and enjoyed by all {I just noticed everyone cleaned their plates!}
.........and Trisha and new baby walked away with some fantastic haul!
I wish I had thought to take a photo of the food, plated, it was really beautiful. However, I did mention to a few, that I'd post the recipe for the egg number.
Egg in a Nest
{adapted from my friend,Wimberly's recipe}
greased cupcake pan dozen eggs sliced deli ham chopped tarragon diced shallots diced mushrooms shredded cheddar cheese holandaise sauce whole wheat english muffin
In each cupcake pan, space, neatly fold a slice of ham in a conical shape {it helps to cut halfway up the middle of the piece} Sautee, the mushrooms and shallots until clear {use a lot of mushrooms, as they do shrink down} Pour the mixture into the bottom of ham 'nest' and crack egg on top. stick pan into oven and bake at 350 for 30 minutes. toast english muffins. when egg is done, place the 'nest' on top of the half toasted muffin, sprinkle cheese on top, drizzle holandaise sauce and garnish with the tarragon.


cotedetexas said…
Oh Megan - are you the new Eddie? this is sooo gorgeous!!! I love the hydrangeas and the blue willow, the burlap - just beautiful. Love this!!!!! You did great.

ok - down to business - what neckace is she wearing? I WANT it!!! now!!!! can you find out? omg - it's to die for!
Unknown said…
I love the blue plates & flowers!
La Maison Fou said…
Love the blue hydrangeas and the use of lemons for placecards.... not only unique but a shot of color as well.
My hydrangeas are in bloom now, I just luv it when they are!
Mrs. Blandings said…
Wonderful! I bet she was thrilled. And the dish sounds delish.
Linda in AZ * said…
* G' morning n' "THANK YOU"! ~ (I just started my day w/ your PRETTY & HAPPY pics!)~

...And how lovely to see the smiling face of the "mom-to-be" & her friends, all having a delightful luncheon (& w/ the weather cooperating too! Wow!)~~~

EVERYTHING looks SOOOOO PERFECT~ elegantly casual AND, by the looks of their plates, the food W*A*S fabulous!

Appreciate your posting such a happy time! (And how truly THOUGHTFUL & generous of you to put this together for her!)~~~

Linda in AZ *
Pigtown*Design said…
Glad you found the blue willow. I like it because you can dress it up or have it very casual!
mary said…
Yum! The recipe sounds divine......but the design of the tables with the vintage plates and hydrangeas--exquisite. Have a wonderful week.
Clare said…
Wow!! What a beautiful table. I feel inspired to have an outdoor dinner party. Trish is lucky to have such wonderful friends.
Very Pretty! I love the purple and green with the white roses. Trisha is lucky to have friends like you all to host such a simple yet elegant shower.
katiedid said…
Beautiful party! And Yum on the recipe! My daughters are going to love it. And I like the necklace the new Mom has on. :)
72 and sunny said…
thank you everyone! It was such a fun project, and morning and celebration.
what better to celebrate than a new baby!!!

Joni, the necklace is from Anthropologie. It comes in that great sea green, yellow (which I have and LOVE) and white. It turns tshirts and jeans into insta glam.
Karen said…
This is so full of great ideas. The floral arrangements are gorgeous!
Linda Merrill said…
So pretty! The hydrangea in silver bowls against the burlap is the perfect hi/low combo!
This is simply elegant! I love how you used so many natural elements.
niartist said…
Megan, these photos and the whole set up is quite lovely. I'm sure she appreciated it immensely, and I've gotten some great ideas from this. Mixing the hydrangeas with the white roses, that made for a very chic setting when grouped together. Really - looked like a million bucks!
Anonymous said…
Did you set the table yourself? The hydrangeas work very well with the blue plates, but I don't think it would look quite the same without the bamboo beneath it!
Anonymous said…
I love it! -jennie
alice said…
This is the prettiest tablescape!
I love all the layering you've done with the textures and colors... perfection!
The arrangements are beautiful. Well done.

Also, avaitors - a trend - no mistaking it now, is there?

Be well, The Hostess
Aspiemom said…
This is so beautiful! I'm sure everyone really enjoyed it. My favorite are your hydrangea & roses centerpieces.
Unknown said…
how darling!! plus i love your necklace!!!
SparkerShop said…
Beautiful party! I just adore Blue Willos, in fact, I just wrote up a little piece about the pattern on my blog:
Sofa said…
So beautiful!! Yupeee..!! Go to the party!
How beautiful! The hydrangeas are perfect. Everything looks so lovely.
DolceDreams said…
What a lucky friend you have! It looks absolutely exquisite, I love the lime placecards...great touch! I lived on the beach in Santa Monica for years, how lucky you were to not have the June gloom.
72 and sunny said…
thanks everyone! you inspire me to do it more often. if you want to learn more about blue willow the above link left by 'sparker shop'has a nice little back history
Megan, what a gorgeous shower. The flowers, table setting, outdoor setting. Lovely!
looks amazing! of course I knew you'd throw a gorgeous party! :)
annechovie said…
Megan, you did an amazing job with this shower - looks magazine perfect. I love the colors you chose and the flower arrangements look professional. Kudos!
Tiffani said…
Love it! Your style is right up my alley. Great minds think alike. I just went to a baby shower on Sunday myself and was impressed with simple and modern decor. Check it out @
LindsB said…
What a stunning table scape- I LOVE the mix of blues, purples, and the natural element with the burlap and cane chargers- what a fantastic party you threw!
Megan said…
This is a beutiful shower, I love that so many of the ideas could easily be translated to a wedding, dinner party- whatever! and still look totally elegant and fresh. Great job!
I love how well the hydrangea work with the white roses and silver bowls. And the blue and shite china...stunning! It all works together prefectly.

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