pimp you pod
Keeping with my inability to leave any, untouched, surface alone; I like to wrap the back of my ipod with these great little 'skins'. It's in my hand or within reach 12 hours or more a day, so why not accessorize the accessory.
I can think of several design aesthetes out there, for whom this would be perfect. In fact the perfect choice for my sistah of the Skirted Round Table- Joni Webb. {Although, to do it right we'd need to put skins on the channel changer, the garage door opener, cordless phone, and any other handheld operational device. Then, pile them on a table for the full Chinoiserie ginger jar jumble, effect.}
I do love this one though. Hold it on your shoulder as you walk down the street and gain yourself a little street cred. yo.
Once you purchase one of these skins, you can upload a complementary image for your wallpaper on the phone. All for $15.00 wow. gela skins

my hubbie just launched an iphone application--if you like wine go check it out at www.winephd.com
or winephd on your iphone.