cherry blossom girl

My 12 year old daughter is completely obsessed with all things Japanese. Which, considering the alternatives, isn't such a bad thing { justin bieber much ? }. Not to mention she picked one of the best cultural design meccas in the world {clicks to that, sweet child o' mine}
In thinking about creating a bedroom for her that reads Japanese, but not too literally, not too theme-y, I pulled together some Cherry Blossom or Flowering Quince patterns as starting points:
Of course, there's Clarence House's Flowering Quince. The grande dame of all these branchy organic looking prints.
and then there's the Urban knock off of the print {which I'm not sure is available anymore }
House of Fabrics, carries this by the yard for around $16.00.
or maybe we could just give a nod to the whole pattern with a simple pillow.
and a cute cherry blossom accessory from etsy
wellies as a vase? cute.


Love that she's into Japanese. They have the coolest decor. There's a $1 Japanese store here near SF. I always end up spending $30 or more on just cute little thingees that I don't know what to do with.

Love the cherry blosoms. Love your new header!
Gramercy Home said…
Your daughter has great taste! Hard not to go for the Clarence House wallpaper, but at that age I changed my mind daily. Maybe just frame some of it for a fun accent?
blydesign said…
this sounds promising...can't wait to see what you come up with!
Splenderosa said…
I definitely think she should have the hanging lantern.
Karena said…
Great taste that darling girl of yours!! This will be a fun project for the two of you!!

Art by Karena
I LOVE these ideas for a chic but still youthful girl's room. I was just in Kyoto and Tokyo for the peak of cherry blossom season in late March so these images brought back happy memories!

You can show your daughter pics on my blog in my March and April postings!
72 and sunny said…
she has that lantern in her room! it's awesome.

I know, I should be so lucky. There's so much CRAP being fed to kids, design wise. It's great that she's going to the original source of fantastic design.
Anonymous said…
you're so lucky!! being 50% of the japanese genetic persuasion i was not savvy enough to take up grandma-san's wonderful decor when i had the chance and kick myself every day now that i'm stuck trying to fill a house. i was the lame laura ashley robot with no individuality. cheers to your rockin girl!!!
xo, katie
mary said…
Japanese inspired room--great taste!! So much better than the Madonna inspired room that my lovely sweet daughter wanted at that age. But now her home is filled with Japanese and chinese inspired furnishings.
fun post! love the cherry blossoms in the rain boots. Speaking of... rain, rain, go away!

Anonymous said…
Here's a quirky twist of fate - Grace has a beach room that will be packed up and put together again in her new bedroom in Tokyo. Maybe our girls just need to switch places for a bit. Though I'll be very happy to do some authentic bedroom shopping for her once I get there.

Kelle Dame said…
She has inherited your eye for design! How fun!I've always been a sucker for a cherry blossom.

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