the lake house

one of my oldest friends, alli, has a summer home that is magnificent. it's located in the north eastern part of the states (think 'on golden pond').
the last time i was there, i awoke before dawn to the sound of fat rain drops, plopping on the leaves that canopy the house. and then there were the sounds of loons calling to one another across the water and waves lapping against the shore. ahhhh. peace and romance wrapping me like a big quilt. i fell in love with the place in that moment.
i've asked her to share this special place with all of you and she, graciously, has sent me some great shots. as if the location isn't amazing enough, there's a great back story on the house: the old rec hall/boat house was once part of a 'family camp' -remember 'dirty dancing'? (which were common vacation venues for east coasters in the 19th and early 20th century) the building serviced several surrounding family houses on the compound. alli's father remembers playing ping pong and putting on plays, where now sits the dining room table. original vaulted ceilings and wood flooring--see what i mean? it's fabulous. really, just lovely. you've probably guessed, it smells really good too. like wood and fresh paint.
now after many years, fires, abandonment and the rescue by alli and her family, the rec hall has been lovingly and artfully restored. the two bedrooms. yellow, checked bedding, pine cone hill (yes, i checked the tag) i love this bent branch headboard. it's really beautiful up close (as is that antique chest and dresser at the right in the pic below)
detail shot of alli's great iron-ware collection.
beautiful house numbers painted by the very talented painter, alli (on whom i will be posting in the very near future) thanks al, for sharing. i love this house and hope to be back soon....


I can just smell the pine and the lake. So easy to imagine yourself sleep 10 straight hours....ah, the tranquility.
Anonymous said…
It's so charming, what a great place to have in a family.
Kate said…
Wow if that isn't the most beautiful place. I love those clapperboard houses. It's my dream to own a wooden house on the coast somewhere someday! Thanks for sharing this, love the blog.
Lovely posting today! I, too love everything beach. Come visit my blog at
If you said this was in Canada, I'd say yup! That's what Canada looks like. I wish I was there now.
72 and sunny said…
liberty, it's close to canada,maybe that's why! but you're right, it has that look for sure.

all-it's just such a great place i hope i did it justice. i love the soul of the place. it seems so happy to have been given a new life!
katiedid said…
It looks like you can really unwind here. Beautiful!
Unknown said…
Wow. Absolutely lovely! Can Ali adopt me? :)

Suzanne (from Canada)
72 and sunny said…
isn't it the sweetest place? it's good to have friends with cool places : )

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