i don't know, maybe it was that i just wanted to join the 'imperial trellis out the ass society' maybe i felt like, the world domination of
kelly wearstler , needed my support. or maybe i was just bored one day and decided to pay -what amounts to putting 2 kids through college...on a couple of rolls of wallpaper. whatever the case. it arrived, tuesday and yesterday i spent the afternoon cutting and pasting, like an insane wallpapering woman.

crazed, i worked. i was on a mission. unaware of the world around me. up and down the step ladder, cutting. measuring. panting, blowing the hair out of my eyes.
and then.... 'mom, we're hungry' i spun around on my stepladder, looking up, down wildly saucer eyed,
(what? who are these people staring up at me? what could they possibly want. i'm PAPERING with imperial trellis, for god's sake!) again, 'MOM. we're hungry' oh. jeeze. ok, right, right. um, dinner, uh....here eat this hotdog bun. and then i was back. positioning, pasting, measuring, cutting....on and on (took me, freaking, forever)

and then, at 9:30 p.m. i was done. my god. i was done. i think i may have gone blind in the process. but you know what? i love it. and i did it myself.
And, Megan, YOU DID IT! I can't believe you papered it yourself. My 90 yr old paper man who has been doing this since he was 15 cursed me with my Imperial Trellis. He said it was one of the hardest jobs he's ever done! I'm so impressed with you and your awesome efforts. Now, just sit back in those cute chairs and stare. You deserve at least 3 days worth of nothing but staring.
Welcome to "the society".
I have the sickness too, in fabric not paper. But we've already discussed this.
I cannot believe you did it yourself. I am uber-impessed.
It looks SWEET. (I can't believe I just said "sweet".
What's your secret to perfect papering? I could use some tips!
And now you get to say, "I did." to the predictable question, "So, who's your paper guy?"
actually, you could say, "I did and I also built this house with my bare hands".
bb- i plan on doing that jock stance, where my chin is pulled into my neck, mouth a little slack, eyes closed,head cocked to the side a bit... a little quick breathe, 'ya. totally did it'
i can't do my ceilings they're incredibly low and i think it would only enhance the whole dilemma! but , someday i'm doing a ceiling dammit!
Sally Wheat
i'm so glad you stopped in and are a sister in the crazy mom decorator bond. i believe their are many of us who would abandon our nurturing duties to hang a little kwid.
and anh-minh i STALK your site all of the time. how exciting to see you here too! thanks for the comment.
but for the record - as i sit with real tuition bills on my desk - (you start paying in july for sept and finish in april or no diploma in june - im starting year 3) the paper times 10 wouldn't come close - contrast welting on real leather seats in a new range rover - thats the cost of tuition these days = but i get your point - and buy all you need the fabric et all now because when you really start paying tuition - you'll never afford any of it .... oh and for the record your papering job very well done- i would never have been so brave for fear of tiring of the bold - but you may have swayed me .
YES, you must know the repeat of the pattern. this has a 10" repeat. so i calculated an extra 20" on to my entire length. for good measure. this required two single rolls and the wall was almost a perfect square of 7' x 7'