Monday the mal content

I'd be laughing at someone's office door, as I recanted a funny moment from the weekend, and she'd walk by, all pinched face and disapproving, pausing briefly so that I understood the full extent of her disapproval, before clicking off, pantyhose swishing, little gray cloud trailing.
I'd probably feel a little guilty because I wasn't doing what Monday really expected of me- setting aside the fun, and getting down to work. Monday would have framed platitudes lining her office , 'failure is not an option', 'FOCUS' and 'sweat is the cologne of accomplishment'. I wouldn't like her.![]()

Hope your Monday doesn't take the wind out of your weekend sails. If she does, stick with me, we'll look at happy, floral, danish interiors, stand on cool retro chairs... bare foot and definitely laugh about life just a little.

all of these very cool, un-Monday like images are from Indenfor & Udenfor.
"Your Mother doesn't work here, please do your own dishes"
and.. when set a task at work, she would finish it hours before it is due and then spend the rest of the time saying how easy it was while we all sweated away trying to get it done....
she would take credit for your ideas in meetings!
oh I could go on and on :-)
love your story.
my grandfather's tacky wife did it in the late 70s, but it wasn't the same as this.
and i 'm with mrs B. you are hysterical writer -- you focus in on the things other's can't see.
On to Tuesday...the conformist ;)
Bah humbug to ms monday.
Fabulous writing, Megan!