I think I'd like some leopard stairs. And the black lacquer is a given.


I've always loved leopard carpet, esp on stairs. Love these buttery tones.
mary said…
Although I'm not a fan of stripping period furniture, I love the stripped Empire console and mirror. Now, the heaviness of the dark brown removed, the natural beauty of the lion paw feet and sexy curves shines. And the carpet, a classic. Thanks.
Ooh, I could go with some animal prints up the flight of stairs.

vignette design said…
I have the exact same leopard carpet going up my stairs. The black lacquer floor though is amazing.
Into the save file it goes. I'd like a helping of all of it!!!
Concrete Jungle said…
I want some too....first the stairs...LOL!
love this combination, and loved getting your sweet email. Thank you!
Anonymous said…
I don't even HAVE stairs, and I want the leopard carpet!

hoping you are feeling peace about all that has
happened in your life recently - thinking of

This is gorgeous......I love it all including that little chair!
Splenderosa said…
Wish we could see more of the area, but what I see I like very much. I would have probably black lacquered the console too. Just cause...

Karen said…
Love this image---are the walls golden in color or just from ambient light?
Wow! Love it! Your photo would go perfect in my post today on animal prints. Check it out- www.beatricebanks.blogspot.com
I love your blog and am looking for the follow button. Haven't found it yet but going back to look again.
Have a happy day!
Chic Coles said…
those stairs are amazing.Could go for some of those myself.
Divine! LOVE! Dreaming of feeling that plushness on the soles of my feet.....Gorgeous. xo

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