Try to post about 48 hours at High Point in one posting. Impossible.

So I'm going to do this in installments.


I'm back.
I'm exhausted. 

This will give you an idea of the Over Stimulus that High Point Market is - I arrived on Sunday and left on Tuesday and basically feel like I did Vegas or ran a marathon while talking non-stop. My voice is hoarse and my feet are blistered. In the best way. I tell you, this is a MUST visit for ANYone in the business.

Why? I mean, beyond being the, 'Home of Home Furnishing',  it's like googling, "furniture, interior design, chairs, sofas, lamps, case goods, cool stuff for your pad  etc" and then crawling into your monitor to take a tour.

Yes, it's as endless as the Internet is vast. And what I learned is that: what I didn't know, I didn't know.

I have to take a second to thank High Point Market for hosting myself and the other design bloggers. It was something I feel so fortunate to have been a part of. 

So where to start??? You know, Linda and I had never met in real life. (Linda and I, along with Joni Webb, are co-hosts on The Skirted Round Table Podcast) So after 2 years of chatting weekly, we finally met in person. Such a treat.

Our day started, on Monday, with an opening breakfast and presentation given by the amazingly awesome designer, Jamie Drake (new design crush) . Jamie is as incredibly down to earth and charming as he is talented ( and he had the coolest Gucci jacket that I was coveting ). He was kind enough to sit with Linda and me, afterward, for  a Skirted Round Table interview (should be up next week). Can't wait for you all to 'meet him'. He's funny too. Which is always a 'win' for me.  I'll let you know when that is posted.

It was 80 ish degrees on this day. then next,  after a major storm, 50. what?

Later in the afternoon, Hickory Chair, hosted us with a, stick-to-the-ribs, Southern Style lunch (mac & cheese, bbq'd pulled pork, biscuits and sweet tea - ya'lll feelin' me? "Raw Diet" out the window ) and then a tour of their showroom.

 Hickory Chair is celebrating 100 years in the business and for the event, has launched their,  "1911 Collection". The line, inspired by their original styles,  has been made more relevant with the use of customized material.  "...translating the continental influences and uncommon craftsmanship of the last century for new audiences and a new century."

As seen in these two different approaches to the same piece:

This is when I realized, "what I didn't know, I didn't even know" The integrity of this line is what heirlooms are made of. Handcrafted by artisans in Hickory, N.C. with a precision and care that has made Hickory Chair one of the very top in its business.

If you'd like to read more on the crafting and history behind the line check out this article.  I will say that, learning about the beginnings of the company and  the artisans, made an indelible impression. ( One of my fellow HPMarket companions, Coco + Kelly has a great tour of the factory here.) The turn around on these pieces is incredibly fast, 2 weeks! for custom? what? they have it down.

I had to put this bed in the post. I'm completely in love with it. Love, love, love. give me a house in Jackson Hole and an endless budget at Hickory Chair. or wait, just give me an endless budget at Hickory Chair.

 gorgeous, isn't it? Two twins, side by side, please.

We also had the great opportunity to have lunch with,  Mariette Himes Gomez Alexa Hampton® Katherine of Hable Construction and Suzanne Kasler ( I mean really, how often do you get to toss back, pulled pork and sweet tea with this  sort of company? A design blogger's Eden. )  Later they gave us an introduction to their collaborative collections for Hickory Chair. I snapped a few videos of the former two with my handy Flip camera. 



I wish I was able to get Suzanne Kasler on video. Her rooms were so very 'Suzanne Kasler' in all of their lovely serenity and measurement. Love her work.

I especially liked her new, Suzani inspired  fabrics. Check out how she used, upholstery webbing to delineate that wall. Great idea for a bulletin board.

Are you exhausted? this was only the beginning. More to come.


Peggy and Fritz said…
Megan loved the post - we need to get together for Vino night. Sunday was amazing here...maybe over the next week shimmy down the street dying to hear about the trip. I'm suppose to be in Vegas for the Kitchen show but jetting off to NYC for client meetings instead. Can't wait to hear all about the trip.BTW love the bedding on that bed - perfect for the beach.
Carey said…
Thanks for the post. I missed this market so loved seeing your recap.
Hi Megan, Great post! I'm in love with those twin beds......and the Suzanne Kasler room in the last photo......that printed fabric is fantastic (and I thought I wasn't a "print" person) and that delicate chandelier, oh my gosh.....thanks for this visual feast!
Linda Merrill said…
Loved the video components! I can't believe we didn't have a pic taken together!! How did that happen??? Or we didn't nab Jamie for a pic. Oh well. Podcast to come and there's always the Keno bros pic floating around...
Great beginning -it WAS so exhasusting -and your description of market is DEAD ON.
Loving the clip w S. Kasler! She is the best. Love the suzani she is showing.

Can't wait to see more from your trip.

Karena said…

What a luxurious treat to go to High Point and have this increible experience!

I am just thrilled that you finally met Linda and all of these best of the best!

Art by Karena
cecilia said…
It's so great to get a glimpse of the events we miss out on! I actually was talked OUT of going to Hight Point this year (from one of my vendors), but your experience has changed my mind. My mom is there every year with her crew, so next time, I'm going to ask her to stay here with my kids and switch off with me!
72 and sunny said…
It WAS a great experience. I really need to go back again, and really explore it. There was SO much to see and do and I feel that I only dipped my toe in it all!

Kasler's fabric line, is so cute.I thought I was growing tired of the Suzani thing, but really the colors and combination of her own subtle design make it really fresh.
Julie said…
Wow, great pictures! I live pretty close to Hickory, NC myself and have been out there a few times to browse- unfortunately a lot of their stuff, while gorgeous, is still a bit out of my price range (and my home tends to be a crazy zoo of destruction, so I'd be pretty heartbroken to spend a bunch on one of their pieces only to have it scratched or dented within a week of delivery..). But it's always nice to look! One of my favorite online boutiques (Belle Maison- posted a bunch of pictures from High Point in their blog the other day also- sounds pretty amazing all around! I love reading about these big shows. So many styles! Thanks for sharing. :)
Laura Holland said…
It was wonderful getting to meet you! We are honored to celebrate 100 years of craftsmanship and furniture making in Hickory, North Carolina. Thank you for sharing your Hickory Chair experience with all of us - with your help we have a long future ahead of us!
Jay Reardon said…
Thank you for the post. The custom finishes really transform our pieces but the choice of woods takes it to a new level, limited only by imaginations!Our craftspeople appreciate the opportunity to transform our pieces to Make what people only dreamed of before. Jay Reardon

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