Takin' a little vacay., being it's "Ski Week" and all. 
I know Boston has 'Ski Week' or 'Winter Break'.  Does anyone else? Seems a little ridic.  We always scoff a little at the concept - and then go back to packing (these kids just had off 2+ weeks  and a few random, 3 day weekends ) Living at the beach we can't leave well enough alone,  we need SNOW and WINTER. Even it will be mostly man made

So off we go! 

Have a lovely weekend, where ever that may be.


Anonymous said…
It does seem that kids have a lot more time off than we ever did. I thought this holiday was a 3-dayer, but they get the whole week?
Have fun skiing with your fam! Teri
Momdaw said…
And here in "Flyoverland" college kids head for the beaches of Texas.
Enjoy the skiing!
Thanks so much...
You have a great weekend too!!!
We are relaxing within an inch of our life................................
Tania Maree xx
Cecilia said…
Yes! Ski week in Boston but no snow here!!! Nevertheless we are skiing in Maine! Would love to see your ski outfits next Monday for " What I Wore."

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