FYI, I sent my youngest to summer camp a few weeks ago. A first for both of us. I cried the first few days (more teary shaky voice stuff than anything).... and the last few days too, with a touch of melancholy in between. I checked the camp's website like, 2-10 times a day, making up stories as to why she was, say, sitting on the dock by herself. Healthy mom stuff.
Two weeks up and I finally get to speak to her. The first thing she said over the phone (voice hoarse from screaming whatever you scream 'round the campfire ) , "Mama! I want to stay for FOUR weeks next year!!!".....what. ? ok, ya I know, I should just feel good that I'm raising a confident girl. whatevs. I'm glad my girl is back, her room's a mess again, even more boy band posters have been added to the continues in the land of pre-teens and teenagers and I have all of my ducks back in a row.
have a chill weekend.